Troubleshooting startup of Zowe z/OS components
Troubleshooting startup of Zowe z/OS components
Review the following topics for information that can help you troubleshoot problems when installing Zowe z/OS components or starting Zowe's ZWESLSTC
started task.
How to check if ZWESLSTC
startup is successful
started task on z/OS brings up a number of address spaces. There is no single message that Zowe has launched and is ready to run as the sequence of address spaces initialization is environment-dependent. Note that the message ID ZWED0021I
is typically the last one that is logged. More details on each subsystem and their startup messages are described in the following sections.
The most complete way to check that Zowe started successfully is to check that each component successfully completed its initialization. Each component writes messages to the JES SYSPRINT
and writes severe errors to the STDERR
job spool file.
To learn more about the Zowe components and their role, see Zowe Architecture. It is possible to configure Zowe to bring up only a subset of its components by using the zowe.components.<NAME>.enabled: boolean
variables in the zowe.yaml
Check the startup of API Mediation Layer
The API Mediation Layer has four address spaces: API Catalog, API Gateway, API Discovery and Caching Service.
To check whether the API Mediation Layer is fully initialized, look for the message ZWEAM000I
. Each component writes a successful startup message ZWEAM000I
to JES as shown in the following example. The message also indicates the CPU of seconds spent. In a normal startup of API ML components, each component writes a ZWEAM00I
message as in the following example:
2023-02-21 17:20:57.614 [35m<ZWEACS1:main:33554882>[0;39m IBMUSER [32mINFO [0;39m [36m(o.z.a.p.s.ServiceStartupEventHandler)
[0;39m ZWEAM000I Caching Service started in 43.818 seconds
2023-02-21 17:21:03.924 <ZWEAAC1:main:50332214> IBMUSER INFO (o.z.a.p.s.ServiceStartupEventHandler)
ZWEAM000I API Catalog Service started in 53.75 seconds
2023-02-21 12:10:08.468 <ZWEAAC1:main:83889734> ZWESVUSR INFO (o.z.a.p.s.ServiceStartupEventHandler) ZWEAM000I API Catalog Service started in 37.025 seconds
2023-02-21 17:21:06.368 <ZWEAGW1:main:50332206> IBMUSER INFO (o.z.a.p.s.ServiceStartupEventHandler) ZWEAM000I Gateway Service started in 56.2 seconds
In addition to looking for ZWEAM00I
in the JES log, you can also log in to the Gateway homepage and check the service status indicator. The Gateway home page is accessible on the externalPort. The default value for this port is 7554
. If there is a red or yellow tick beside one of its three services, the components are still starting.

When all services are fully initialized, three green ticks are displayed.

Check the startup of Zowe Desktop
During startup, Zowe Desktop loads its plug-ins and writes the message ZWED0031I
when completed.
2023-02-21 12:10:12.824 <ZWED:33558118> ZWESVUSR INFO (_zsf.install,index.js:439) ZWED0031I - Server is ready at, Plugins successfully loaded: 100% (19/19)
The ZWED0031I
message includes a count of the number of loaded plug-ins as well as the total number of plug-ins, for example Plugins successfully loaded: 100% (19/19)
. A failed plug-in load will not abort the launch of the Desktop.
If Zowe Desktop is started together with the API Gateway, the Zowe Desktop will register itself with the API Gateway. This step must be completed before a user is able to successfully log in to the Zowe Desktop. The message ZWED0021I
indicates successful registration between the Zowe Desktop and the API Gateway.
2023-02-21 12:10:12.226 <ZWED:33558118> ZWESVUSR INFO (_zsf.apiml,apiml.js:309) ZWED0021I - Eureka Client Registered from Available at
If you try to log into the Zowe Desktop too early before the Eureka client registration is complete, you may receive the message that Authentication failed on the login page. This is due to an incomplete API ML handshake. If authentication fails, wait for the registration to complete as indiciated by the ZWED0021I
In addition to spooling to the JES SYSPRINT
file for the Zowe ZWESLSTC
task, the Zowe Desktop writes messages to zowe.logDirectory/zssServer-yyyy-mm-dd-hh-ss.log
Check the startup of Zowe Secure Services
The zssServer is used for secure services for the Zowe Desktop.
ZWES1013I ZSS Server has started. Version '2.5.0+20221130' 31-bit
The zssServer registers itself with the cross memory server running under the address space ZWESISTC
. You can use the attach message ID ZWES1014I
to check that this has occurred successfully. If this message contains a nonzero return code in the cmsRC=
value, then a failure occurred. For more information on how to diagnose these, see ZSS server unable to communicate with ZIS.
ZWES1014I ZIS status - 'Ok' (name='ZWESIS_STD ', cmsRC='0', description='Ok', clientVersion='2')