MonitorJobs "waitFor..." APIs parameters interface
Maximum number of poll attempts. Use in conjunction with "watchDelay" to specify your maximum wait for the expected status. Default: MonitorJobs.DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS.
The z/OS JOBID for the job to monitor. No pre-validation of the JOBID (other than its presence) is performed. Any errors that you receive regarding invalid JOBID/JOBNAME will be surfaced by z/OSMF. Ensure that your JOBID specification adheres to the z/OS standards.
The z/OS JOBNAME for the job to monitor. No pre-validation of the JOBNAME (other than its presence) is performed. Any errors that you receive regarding invalid JOBID/JOBNAME will be surfaced by z/OSMF. Ensure that your JOBNAME specification adheres to the z/OS standards.
The job status (see z/OSMF Jobs REST APIs documentation - and the JOB_STATUS type for possible options) to wait for. Note that if the job's status is "further" along in the logical progression (see the JOB_STATUS documentation for full details) the "waitFor..." API methods will return immediately with the current status. Default: MonitorJobs.DEFAULT_STATUS.
Watch delay is the polling delay in milliseconds. MonitorJobs will poll every "watchDelay" milliseconds for the status of the job that is being monitored. Use in conjunction with "attempts" to specify your maximum wait for the expected status. Default: MonitorJobs.DEFAULT_WATCHER_DELAY
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MonitorJobs "waitFor..." APIs parameters interface