Profile configuration for TSO profiles
No account number was provided error message
No command text was provided error message
No data parameter string was supplied error message
No servlet key was provided for Ping command error message
No servlet key was provided error message
No Session provided error message
No input parameters were provided error message
No input parameters were provided error message
No input parameters for stop were provided error message
No ZOSMF response was received error message
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z/OS TSO Package
Contains APIs to interact with TSO on z/OS (using z/OSMF TSO REST endpoints).
API Examples
Issue the TSO command "status" to display info about jobs for your user ID
import { ProfileInfo } from "@zowe/imperative"; import { IssueTso } from "@zowe/zos-tso-for-zowe-sdk"; (async () => { // Load connection info from default z/OSMF profile const profInfo = new ProfileInfo("zowe"); await profInfo.readProfilesFromDisk(); const zosmfProfAttrs = profInfo.getDefaultProfile("zosmf"); const zosmfMergedArgs = profInfo.mergeArgsForProfile(zosmfProfAttrs, { getSecureVals: true }); const session = ProfileInfo.createSession(zosmfMergedArgs.knownArgs); // Load account number from default TSO profile (optional) const tsoProfAttrs = profInfo.getDefaultProfile("tso"); const tsoMergedArgs = profInfo.mergeArgsForProfile(tsoProfAttrs); const accountNumberFromProfile = tsoMergedArgs.knownArgs.find( arg => arg.argName === "account").argValue as string; const accountNumber = accountNumberFromProfile || "ACCT#"; const command = "status"; const response = await IssueTso.issueTsoCommand(session, accountNumber, command); if (response.success) { console.log(response); } else { throw new Error(`Failed to issue TSO command "${command}"`); } })().catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); });
Demonstrate starting, pinging, and stopping a TSO address space
import { ProfileInfo } from "@zowe/imperative"; import { PingTso, StartTso, StopTso } from "@zowe/zos-tso-for-zowe-sdk"; (async () => { // Load connection info from default z/OSMF profile const profInfo = new ProfileInfo("zowe"); await profInfo.readProfilesFromDisk(); const zosmfProfAttrs = profInfo.getDefaultProfile("zosmf"); const zosmfMergedArgs = profInfo.mergeArgsForProfile(zosmfProfAttrs, { getSecureVals: true }); const session = ProfileInfo.createSession(zosmfMergedArgs.knownArgs); const accountNumber = "ACCT#"; const startResponse = await StartTso.start(session, accountNumber, { codePage: "285" }); const servletKey = startResponse.servletKey; if (startResponse.success) { console.log(`[${servletKey}] Started`); } else { throw new Error("Failed to start TSO address space"); } const pingResponse = await, servletKey); if (pingResponse.success) { console.log(`[${servletKey}] Ping succeeded`); } else { throw new Error("Failed to ping TSO address space"); } const stopResponse = await StopTso.stop(session, servletKey); if (stopResponse.success) { console.log(`[${servletKey}] Stopped`); } else { throw new Error("Failed to stop TSO address space"); } try { await, servletKey); } catch { console.log(`[${servletKey}] Ping failed`); } })().catch((err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); });