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Configuring SAF resource checking

Configuring SAF resource checking

Roles: system programmer, system administrator, security administrator

You can use various SAF resource providers depending on your use case to handle the SAF authorization check. Follow the procedure in this article that applies to your specific configuration use case.

SAF Resource Checking Providers

API ML can check for the authorization of the user on certain endpoints. Access to a SAF resource is checked with your External Security Manager (ESM).

Verification of the SAF resource is possible by any of the following three providers:

  • native
    The Native JZOS classes from Java are used to determine SAF resource access. This is the default provider.

    Note: This provider cannot be used off-platform.

  • endpoint
    The endpoint provider relies on APIs such as through a REST endpoint call (for example ZSS). This option is disabled by default. In Zowe, ZSS provides the API to check for SAF resource authorization.

  • dummy
    The dummy provider is the lowest priority provider. This is the dummy implementation and is defined in a file.


Verification of the SAF resource uses the first available provider based on the specified priority. The default configuration resolves to the native provider.

Setting the native provider to perform SAF resource check (Default setting)

The Native provider is the easiest approach to use the SAF resource checking feature on the mainframe.

  1. Open the file zowe.yaml.
  2. Find or add the following property with the value set as native: native
  1. Restart Zowe.

Enable this provider when classes and are available on the classpath. This approach uses the method described in Class PlatformAccessControl in the IBM documentation.


Ensure that the version of Java on your system has the same version of classes and method signatures.

Setting the endpoint provider to perform SAF resouce check

To use the endpoint provider it is necessary to enable the endpoint property and customize the URL corresponding to the SAF resource authorization. By default, the ZSS API is configured and used.

  1. Open the file zowe.yaml.

  2. Find or add the following properties and their corresponding values:

    • endpoint
    • true
    • (Optional) <endpoint_url>

    When using ZSS, the default value of the property is https://<haInstance_hostname>:<gateway_port>/zss/api/v1/saf-auth

    • haInstance_hostname
      Specifies the Zowe instance hostname from the configuration.
    • gateway_port
      Specifies the Gateway port from the configuration.
  3. Restart Zowe.

Setting the dummy provider to perform SAF resource check

Use the Dummy provider for testing purpose outside of the mainframe.

  1. Open the file zowe.yaml.
  2. Find or add the following property with the value dummy: dummy
  1. Restart Zowe.

In the folder where the application is running, create the file saf.yml. Alternatively, you can create the file mock-saf.yml in the test module (root folder).


It is necessary to read the file outside of the JAR. A file (inner or outside) has to exist.

The following YAML presents the structure of the file:

- {UserID}
    Specifies the name of the SAF class.
    Specifies the name of the SAF resource.
  • Classes and resources are mapped into a map with user IDs contained in a list.

  • The load method does not support formatting with periods (.), such as shown in the following example:

    Example: {CLASS}.{RESOURCE}

  • Ensure that each element is separated.

  • The field safAccess is not required to define an empty file without a definition.

  • Classes and resources cannot be defined without the user ID list.

  • When a user has multiple definitions of the same class and resource only the most privileged access level loads.