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Version: v3.1.x LTS

Server Component and Extension Management

Server Component and Extension Management

This page covers how to install and manage Zowe server components or extensions by using zwe components commands.

Installing a component

Zowe ships the zwe components install command to help end-user to install any Zowe server extensions (extensions are components that are not part of Zowe core). In order to be compatible with the command, components must follow Zowe server component package format standard.

More information such as parameters and examples can be found on the zwe components install reference page

Note: The automatic tagging process is opinionated about which file extensions should be in which encoding. If this does not fit in your needs, a pax format is recommended to include the tagging information into your package. This option is only applicable for z/OS. The following list presents the allowed values:

  • yes

    This option automatically tag the encoding of the files.

  • no

    Do not automatically tag encoding of the files.

  • auto

    Tag only when manifest is in ISO8859-1 encoding.

  • --log-dir|--log|-l

    (String, Optional) Specifies the path to the log directory.

  • --debug|--verbose|-v

    (Boolean, Optional) Enable debug level logging. This will help on troubleshooting issues.

  • --trace|-vv

    (Boolean, Optional) Enable the most detail trace level logging. This will help on troubleshooting issues.

Enable and disable component

Each component and extension of Zowe can be enabled or disabled by changing the value of the enabled property of their object in the Zowe configuration YAML. For example, to enable or disable the API Catalog, set this value to true or false in the YAML:

enabled: true

Zowe ships zwe components enable and zwe components disable commands to help you enable and disable Zowe server component (extension). In order to be compatible with these commands, components must follow Zowe server component package format standard.

Important these commands will update your zowe.yaml configuration file.

Note zwe components install command will enable the component globally if --skip-enable is not passed to it.

More information such as parameters and examples can be found on the zwe components enable reference page and the zwe components disable reference page

Limiting Zowe to specific service groups

Zowe's server installation contains groups of components that are useful to run together, but often you do not need to enable all parts of Zowe. You can save system resources by disabling the parts of Zowe that you do not use.

API Mediation Layerapi-catalogUsed to view API swagger / openAPI specifications for registered API services of the API Mediation Layer.
API Mediation LayerdiscoveryThis server is used to register API services and track the health of them for use in the API Mediation Layer.
API Mediation LayergatewayThe gateway unifies all the services of Zowe under one proxied server for improved security, management, and high availability.
API Mediation Layercaching-serviceThe caching service is used to share state between different Zowe instances in a high availability topology.
API Mediation LayerzaasZAAS provides authentication services used by the API Mediation Layer.
App Frameworkapp-serverThe App server powers the Zowe Desktop accessible via web browsers.
App FrameworkzssZ Secure Services (ZSS) provides REST API services for file, dataset, and other z/OS content. Its APIs are used by apps in the Desktop, such as the the File Editor.

Upgrading a component

zwe components install is only used for installing a component that is not yet installed. If you need to install a new version of an existing component, you must use the zwe components upgrade command instead.

More information such as parameters and examples can be found on the zwe components install reference page

This command can be used to upgrade all components that have an upgrade available when using zwe with a component package registry. More information can be found within the component package registry documentation

Uninstalling a component

zwe components uninstall can be used to remove a previously installed extension. It will not remove core components.

More information such as parameters and examples can be found on the zwe components uninstall reference page

Searching for a component

zwe components search helps you find components that are available for installation from your chosen component package registry. This command requires that you have configured your Zowe instance for use with such a registry. Click here for more information on how to set up and use a component package registry

More information such as parameters and examples can be found on the zwe components search reference page

Manual Component management

It's recommended to use zwe components for all component management. The information below is provided for troubleshooting purposes.

Zowe core components

The Zowe runtime directory delivers its core components in the <RUNTIME_DIR>/components/ directory. A typical components directory looks like this:


Same as all Zowe server components, Zowe core components can be enabled or disabled by setting components.<component>.enabled to true or false.

Zowe z/OS extensions

All Zowe z/OS extension runtime programs are installed into a single location which is defined as zowe.extensionDirectory in zowe.yaml. Each extension should be represented with the extension name in this directory, and use either a directory or a symbolic link.

The Zowe launch script reads components.<component>.enabled and haInstances.<ha-instance>.components.<component>.enabled defined in zowe.yaml to determine whether to start an extension in current HA instance. The value of this enabled is boolean either true or false.


The vendor MYVENDOR has a product named MYAPP that installs into /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp. There is one Zowe extension shipped within the product in the directory /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp/zowe-ext. This subdirectory is a Zowe extension so that the product can be started and stopped with Zowe and run as an address space under the ZWESLSTC started task in the Zowe USS shell.

The directory /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp/zowe-ext should include a manifest.yaml file to describe the extension. The script /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp/zowe-ext/bin/ checks that the environment is configured correctly and the script /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp/zowe-ext/bin/ starts the vendor application. The /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp/zowe-ext/manifest.yaml should look like this:

name: myapp
id: com.myvendor.myapp
title: My Zowe Extension
validate: bin/
start: bin/

Because MYAPP is shipped within another product, the installation should create a symbolic link in zowe.extensionDirectory directory.

$ ls -l /global/zowe/extensions
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx 1 <USER> <GROUP> 23 Nov 11 2019 myapp -> /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp/zowe-ext

Also, myapp is enabled in zowe.yaml like this.

enabled: true

When the Zowe instance is launched by running zwe start command, it will read manifest commands instructions and call the /usr/lpp/myvendor/myapp/zowe-ext/bin/ script. The started task will create an address space under ZWESLSTC for the vendor component. When the Zowe instance is stopped, the address space is terminated.