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Version: v3.0.x LTS

Copying and moving data using the plug-in

Copying and moving data using the plug-in

The essential feature of the plug-in is to provide the ability to copy and move content between different entities and systems. The plug-in provides functionalities to copy and move any kind of information possible (also in terms of security).

Copy and move: the same system

There are different options to copy and move z/OS data sets and members between each other, as well as USS files. It is possible to move and copy files and data sets either through keyboard shortcut buttons and context menu, or using Drag & Drop.

Copy and move: a data set member copy and move examples


Make sure the parameters of the target data set allow you to paste a new member. Sometimes there is an error occures during paste operation to the data set due to the directory blocks value being not enough to fit the member.

To copy member from one data set to another:

  1. Right click on the member to be copied, select Copy

Copy cut: member copy

  1. Right click on the target PDS / PDS/E data set, select Paste

Copy cut: member copy select paste

  1. A dialog about the copy operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: member copying dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the data set will be automatically refreshed and the member will appear in the list of the data set members

Copy cut: member copy result

To move a member from one data set to another:

  1. Right click on the member to be moved, select Cut

Copy cut: member cut

  1. Right click on the target PDS / PDS/E data set, select Paste

Copy cut: member cut select paste


You can use a Drag & Drop feature to accomplish the same action

  1. A confirmation dialog for the member to be moved will appear, select Yes

Copy cut: member cut confirmation dialog

  1. A dialog about the move operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: member moving dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the data set will be automatically refreshed and the member will appear in the list of the data set members

Copy cut: member cut result

The member will disappear from the source data set.

Copy cut: member cut result source

Copy and move: a PS data set to a PDS member copy example

The plug-in allows to copy and move PS data sets to PDS / PDSE data sets. The data set will become a member of the target data set. The name of the member will be trimmed to the last element of the source HLQ. If there are already a member with the same name as the newly pasted one has, the name will be changed to the same data set member's name with the last character(s) replaced with the next available number to form a non-conflicting name of the member.


Make sure the parameters of the target data set allow you to paste a new member. Sometimes there is an error occures during paste operation to the data set due to the directory blocks value being not enough to fit the member.

To copy a sequential data set to a partitioned data set:

  1. Right click on the PS to be copied, select Copy

Copy cut: PS to PDS copy right click

  1. Right click on the target PDS / PDS/E data set, select Paste

Copy cut: PS to PDS copy select paste

  1. If there is a conflicting name member in the data set exists, the plug-in will suggest a new name to apply to the member to appear in the data set members list. Click Ok to agree to use the new name

Copy cut: PS to PDS copy conflicts

  1. A dialog about the copy operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: PS to PDS copying dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the data set will be automatically refreshed and the member will appear in the list of the data set members

Copy cut: PS to PDS copy result

Copy and move: a USS file to a USS folder move example

To move USS file or folder to another USS folder:

  1. Right click on the folder or the file to be moved, select Cut

Copy cut: USS file to USS folder cut

  1. Right click on the target USS folder, select Paste

Copy cut: USS file to USS folder cut select paste


You can use a Drag & Drop feature to accomplish the same action

  1. A confirmation dialog for the file to be moved will appear, select Yes

Copy cut: USS file to USS folder cut confirmation dialog

  1. A dialog about the move operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: USS file to USS folder moving dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the path will be automatically refreshed and the file will appear in the refreshed list. Also the file will disappear from the source path

Copy cut: USS file to USS folder cut result

Copy and move: a PDS / PDS/E member to a USS folder copy example

There is also a functionality provided by the plug-in to copy and move PS, PDS / PDS/E data sets and members to a USS path.

To copy a PDS / PDS/E member to a USS folder:

  1. Right click on the member to be copied, select Copy

Copy cut: member to USS copy

  1. Right click on the target USS folder, select Paste

Copy cut: member to USS copy select paste

  1. A dialog about the copy operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: member to USS copying dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the USS path will be automatically refreshed and the newly pasted USS file will appear

Copy cut: member to USS copy result

Copy and move: a PDS / PDS/E data set to a USS folder move example

While moving or copying a partitioned data set to the USS path, it will be converted to a USS folder with USS files.

To move a PDS / PDS/E data set to a USS path:

  1. Right click on the PDS to be copied, select Cut

Copy cut: PDS to USS cut

  1. Right click on the target USS folder, select Paste

Copy cut: PDS to USS cut paste


You can use a Drag & Drop feature to accomplish the same action

  1. A confirmation dialog for the file to be moved will appear, select Yes

Copy cut: PDS to USS cut confirmation dialog

  1. A dialog about the move operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: PDS to USS moving dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the path will be automatically refreshed and the folder will appear in the refreshed list. Also the data set will disappear from the z/OS part

Copy cut: PDS to USS cut result

Copy and move: a USS file to a PDS / PDS/E data set move example

Also, it is possible to copy and move a USS file to a PDS / PDS/E data set. The file will become a PDS member.


The contents of the source files and data sets will stay the same, until you try to copy/move a file from USS to a z/OS partitioned data set. If the file lines are longer than the specified for the PDS / PDS/E logical record length, the plug-in will cut the rest of the line, exceeding the LRECL, for each of the exceeding lines.

To move a USS file to a PDS / PDS/E data set:

  1. Right click on the file to be copied, select Cut

Copy cut: USS to PDS cut

  1. Right click on the target PDS / PDS/E data set, select Paste

Copy cut: USS to PDS cut paste


You can use a Drag & Drop feature to accomplish the same action

  1. A confirmation dialog for the file to be moved will appear, select Yes

Copy cut: USS to PDS cut confirmation dialog

  1. Also, the warning dialog about placing a USS file under a PDS / PDS/E data set will appear. It will describe the actual result of this operation. Click Ok

Copy cut: USS to PDS cut placing warning

  1. A dialog about the move operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: USS to PDS moving dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the data set will be automatically refreshed and the list of the members will be refreshed with the new member in the list present. Also the file will disappear from the USS path

Copy cut: USS to PDS cut result


You could notice the new member name. It is formed from the first 8 alphanumeric characters of the source file. Also, when there are member name conflicts, there is a resolution mechanism implemented in the plug-in. The new name will be formed as the change of the conflicting name, adding the next available number to the new name of the new member.

Cross-system copy and move

The plug-in provides a functionality to move and copy z/OS data sets and USS files between different systems. E.g.: a user has two systems with different IPs. So, it is possible to copy or move files and data sets either from the first IP to the second, or vice versa. The rules of copying and moving that are described previously, are the same for this action.

Copy and move: a PDS / PDS/E data set to a USS path cross-system copy example

To copy a PDS / PDS/E data set to a USS path in a different system:

  1. Right click on the data set to be copied, select Copy

Copy cut: PDS to USS cross-system copy

  1. Right click on the target system's USS path, select Paste

Copy cut: PDS to USS cross-system copy select paste

  1. A dialog about the copy operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Copy cut: PDS to USS cross-system copy dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the USS path will be automatically refreshed and the path will be refreshed with the new USS folder in the list present

Copy cut: PDS to USS cross-system copy result

Downloading USS files and folders and z/OS data sets and members

There is a feature to download USS files and folders, as well as z/OS data sets and members. Both Copy and Cut functionalities are available for the downloading feature.

Download feature: a USS file download as a copy operation

To copy a USS file to a local machine:

  1. Right click on the z/OS system's USS file, select Copy

Download: USS file copy

  1. Right click in the local project's explorer view, select Paste

Download: USS file copy paste

  1. If there are conflicts in the names of the entities being copied, the plug-in will ask for the option to select:
    • Skip the conflicting file(s) (1) - will skip the entities copying
    • Replace the file(s) in the destination (2) - will replace the entities in the destination with the being copied ones
    • Decide for each file (3) - will ask separately for each entity being copied

For the example purposes, select Decide for each file (3)

Download: USS file copy decide

  1. The next dialog window will appear, asking what to do with the conflicting file:
    • Skip (1) - will skip the entity copying
    • Overwrite (2) - will overwrite the entity with the same name in the destination
    • Use new name (3) - will create a new entity as a copy of the entity being copied with a new name, provided by the plug-in

For the example purposes, select Use new name(3)

Download: USS file copy decide single

  1. The final warning dialog will appear, notifying that the operation may be against the security rules in your company. Select Yes
do it on your own risk!

Do not proceed with the operation if your organization does not allow you to distribute information from your mainframe. It may contain sensitive data that is not meant to be distributed outside a mainframe.

Download: USS file copy security warning

  1. A dialog about the copy operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Download: USS file copy final dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, the file will appear in your local project's tree

Download: USS file copy result

Uploading files to a USS subsystem and z/OS data sets

It is also possible with the plug-in to upload files to a USS path and z/OS data set as a member

Upload feature: a file to a PDS / PDS/E member upload as a copy operation


Make sure the parameters of the target data set allow you to paste a new member. Sometimes there is an error occures during paste operation to the data set due to the directory blocks value being not enough to fit the member.


The contents of the source files and data sets will stay the same, until you try to copy/move a file from USS to a z/OS partitioned data set. If the file lines are longer than the specified for the PDS / PDS/E logical record length, the plug-in will cut the rest of the line, exceeding the LRECL, for each of the exceeding lines.

To upload a file as a copy operation from a local machine to a PDS / PDS/E data sets as a member:

  1. Right click on a file on the local project's tree, select Copy

Upload: local file to PDS copy

  1. Right click on the destination PDS / PDS/E, select Paste

Upload: local file to PDS copy paste

  1. The truncation warning will appear, click Ok

Upload: local file to PDS copy truncation warning

  1. A dialog about the copy operation appears. It is also possible to cancel the operation until it is finished

Upload: local file to PDS copy dialog

  1. After the operation is completed, a new member will appear in the destination PDS / PDS/E

Check the content of the member after the operation. It could be truncated due to LRECL of the data set.

Upload: local file to PDS copy result

Current limitations

There are still some features in development and are not possible to accomplish with the plug-in:

  1. Folder uploading to a USS path
  2. File uploading to a z/OS mask as a PS data set
  3. USS folder copy to a z/OS mask as a PDS / PDS/E data set
  4. Folder uploading to a z/OS mask as a PDS / PDS/E data set

If you have some ideas regarding these operations or want to make a change in the existing one, please, reach out to us.