Version: v3.1.x LTS
Installing Zowe via z/OSMF from PSWI and SMP/E workflow
Installing Zowe via z/OSMF from PSWI and SMP/E workflow
The following information contains procedures and tips for meeting z/OSMF requirements. For complete information, go to IBM Documentation and read the following documents.
z/OS requirements for z/OSMF configuration
Ensure that the z/OS system meets the following requirements:
Requirements | Description | Resources in IBM Knowledge Center |
AXR (System REXX) | z/OS uses AXR (System REXX) component to perform Incident Log tasks. The component enables REXX executable files to run outside of conventional TSO and batch environments. | System REXX |
Common Event Adapter (CEA) server | The CEA server, which is a co-requisite of the Common Information Model (CIM) server, enables the ability for z/OSMF to deliver z/OS events to C-language clients. | Customizing for CEA |
Common Information Model (CIM) server | z/OSMF uses the CIM server to perform capacity-provisioning and workload-management tasks. Start the CIM server before you start z/OSMF (the IZU* started tasks). | Reviewing your CIM server setup |
CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands | The CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands must exist in the authorized command table. | Customizing the CONSOLE and CONSPROF commands |
Java level | IBM® 64-bit SDK for z/OS®, Java Technology Edition V8 or later is required. | Software prerequisites for z/OSMF |
TSO region size | To prevent exceeds maximum region size errors, verify that the TSO maximum region size is a minimum of 65536 KB for the z/OS system. | N/A |
User IDs | User IDs require a TSO segment (access) and an OMVS segment. During workflow processing and REST API requests, z/OSMF might start one or more TSO address spaces under the following job names: userid; substr(userid, 1, 6) CN (Console). | N/A |