Server Datasets Reference
Server Datasets Reference
Zowe includes a number of files that are stored in the various data sets. See the following tables for the storage requirements and purposes.
Runtime Datasets
The following datasets comprise the runtime, read-only dataset content that can be used by multiple Zowe instances of the same version. These are either delivered by an SMP/E install, or by running zwe install
when using the z/OS convenience build of the Zowe servers.
Library DDNAME | Member Type | Target Volume | Type | Org | RECFM | LRECL | No. of 3390 Trks | No. of DIR Blks |
SZWESAMP | Samples | ANY | U | PDSE | FB | 80 | 15 | 5 |
SZWEAUTH | Zowe APF Load Modules | ANY | U | PDSE | U | 0 | 15 | N/A |
SZWEEXEC | CLIST copy utilities | ANY | U | PDSE | FB | 80 | 15 | 5 |
SZWELOAD | Executable utilities library | ANY | U | PDSE | U | 0 | 15 | N/A |
data set contains the following members.
Member name | Type | Purpose |
ZWECSRVS | JCL | Removes the VSAM data set for the Caching Service |
ZWECSVSM | JCL | Creates the VSAM data set for the Caching Service |
ZWEGENER | JCL | Generates JCL templates to configure Zowe |
ZWEIACF | JCL | Defines security permits for ACF2 |
ZWEIACFZ | JCL | Creates the ACF2 Zowe resource class |
ZWEIAPF | JCL | Set APF for the required datasets |
ZWEIAPF2 | JCL | Set APF for the required datasets |
ZWEIKRA1 | JCL | Defines ACF2 key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRA2 | JCL | Defines ACF2 key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRA3 | JCL | Defines ACF2 key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRR1 | JCL | Defines RACF key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRR2 | JCL | Defines RACF key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRR3 | JCL | Defines RACF key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRT1 | JCL | Defines TSS key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRT2 | JCL | Defines TSS key ring and certificates |
ZWEIKRT3 | JCL | Defines TSS key ring and certificates |
ZWEIMVS | JCL | Creates datasets used by a Zowe instance |
ZWEIMVS2 | JCL | Creates the load library (expected to be APF) |
ZWEINSTL | JCL | Creates and copies basic installation datasets and members |
ZWEIRAC | JCL | Defines security permits for RACF |
ZWEIRACZ | JCL | Creates the RACF Zowe resource class |
ZWEISTC | JCL | Adds PROCLIB members |
ZWEITSS | JCL | Defines security permits for TSS |
ZWEITSSZ | JCL | Creates the TSS Zowe resource class |
ZWEKRING | JCL | Defines key ring and certificates |
ZWENOKRA | JCL | Removes key ring and certificates for ACF2 |
ZWENOKRR | JCL | Removes key ring and certificates for RACF |
ZWENOKRT | JCL | Removes key ring and certificates for TSS |
ZWENOKYR | JCL | Removes key ring and certificates |
ZWENOSEC | JCL | Defines security permits |
ZWERMVS | JCL | Removes datasets used by a Zowe instance |
ZWERMVS2 | JCL | Removes the APF load library |
ZWERSTC | JCL | Removes PROCLIB members |
ZWESASTC | JCL | Starts the Zowe Auxiliary server used by Cross memory server |
ZWESECKG | JCL | Sample program which generates a secret key for the PKCS#11 token |
ZWESECUR | JCL | Defines security permits for Zowe |
ZWESIPRG | Commands | Console commands to APF authorize the cross memory server load library |
ZWESIP00 | PARMLIB | Member for the cross memory server |
ZWESISCH | PPT | Defines entries required by Cross memory server and its Auxiliary address spaces to run in Key(4) |
ZWESISTC | JCL | Starts the Zowe Cross memory server |
ZWESLSTC | JCL | Starts the Zowe |
data set is a load library containing the following members.
Member name | Purpose |
ZWELNCH | The Zowe launcher that controls the startup, restart and shutdown of Zowe's address spaces |
ZWESIS01 | Load module for the cross memory server |
ZWESAUX | Load module for the cross memory server's auxiliary address space |
ZWESISDL | ZIS Dynamic Plug-in |
data set contains few utilities used by Zowe.
data set contains config manager for REXX.
Custom Datasets
The following datasets are designed to be used by a single Zowe instance. These are created during post-install setup, and include temporary content as well as datasets used for extensions of Zowe.
Library DDNAME | Member Type | zowe.yaml | Target Volume | Type | Org | RECFM | LRECL | No. of 3390 Trks | No. of DIR Blks |
CUST.PARMLIB | PARM Library Members | zowe.setup.dataset.parmlib | ANY | U | PDSE | FB | 80 | 15 | 5 |
CUST.JCLLIB | JCL Members | zowe.setup.dataset.jcllib | ANY | U | PDSE | FB | 80 | 15 | 5 |
CUST.ZWESAPL | CLIST copy utilities | zowe.setup.dataset.authPluginLib | ANY | U | PDSE | U | 0 | 15 | N/A |