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Version: v2.18.x LTS

Server Datasets Reference

Server Datasets Reference

Zowe includes a number of files that are stored in the various data sets. See the following tables for the storage requirements and purposes.

Runtime Datasets

The following datasets comprise the runtime, read-only dataset content that can be used by multiple Zowe instances of the same version. These are either delivered by an SMP/E install, or by running zwe install when using the z/OS convenience build of the Zowe servers.

Library DDNAMEMember TypeTarget VolumeTypeOrgRECFMLRECLNo. of 3390 TrksNo. of DIR Blks
SZWELOADExecutable utilities libraryANYUPDSEU015N/A

The SZWESAMP data set contains the following members.

Member nameTypePurpose
ZWECSRVSJCLRemoves the VSAM data set for the Caching Service
ZWECSVSMJCLCreates the VSAM data set for the Caching Service
ZWEGENERJCLGenerates JCL templates to configure Zowe
ZWEIACFJCLDefines security permits for ACF2
ZWEIACFZJCLCreates the ACF2 Zowe resource class
ZWEIAPFJCLSet APF for the required datasets
ZWEIAPF2JCLSet APF for the required datasets
ZWEIKRA1JCLDefines ACF2 key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRA2JCLDefines ACF2 key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRA3JCLDefines ACF2 key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRR1JCLDefines RACF key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRR2JCLDefines RACF key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRR3JCLDefines RACF key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRT1JCLDefines TSS key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRT2JCLDefines TSS key ring and certificates
ZWEIKRT3JCLDefines TSS key ring and certificates
ZWEIMVSJCLCreates datasets used by a Zowe instance
ZWEIMVS2JCLCreates the load library (expected to be APF)
ZWEINSTLJCLCreates and copies basic installation datasets and members
ZWEIRACJCLDefines security permits for RACF
ZWEIRACZJCLCreates the RACF Zowe resource class
ZWEITSSJCLDefines security permits for TSS
ZWEITSSZJCLCreates the TSS Zowe resource class
ZWEKRINGJCLDefines key ring and certificates
ZWENOKRAJCLRemoves key ring and certificates for ACF2
ZWENOKRRJCLRemoves key ring and certificates for RACF
ZWENOKRTJCLRemoves key ring and certificates for TSS
ZWENOKYRJCLRemoves key ring and certificates
ZWENOSECJCLDefines security permits
ZWERMVSJCLRemoves datasets used by a Zowe instance
ZWERMVS2JCLRemoves the APF load library
ZWESASTCJCLStarts the Zowe Auxiliary server used by Cross memory server
ZWESECKGJCLSample program which generates a secret key for the PKCS#11 token
ZWESECURJCLDefines security permits for Zowe
ZWESIPRGCommandsConsole commands to APF authorize the cross memory server load library
ZWESIP00PARMLIBMember for the cross memory server
ZWESISCHPPTDefines entries required by Cross memory server and its Auxiliary address spaces to run in Key(4)
ZWESISTCJCLStarts the Zowe Cross memory server
ZWESLSTCJCLStarts the Zowe

The SZWEAUTH data set is a load library containing the following members.

Member namePurpose
ZWELNCHThe Zowe launcher that controls the startup, restart and shutdown of Zowe's address spaces
ZWESIS01Load module for the cross memory server
ZWESAUXLoad module for the cross memory server's auxiliary address space
ZWESISDLZIS Dynamic Plug-in

The SZWEEXEC data set contains few utilities used by Zowe.

The SZWELOAD data set contains config manager for REXX.

Custom Datasets

The following datasets are designed to be used by a single Zowe instance. These are created during post-install setup, and include temporary content as well as datasets used for extensions of Zowe.

Library DDNAMEMember Typezowe.yamlTarget VolumeTypeOrgRECFMLRECLNo. of 3390 TrksNo. of DIR Blks
CUST.PARMLIBPARM Library Memberszowe.setup.dataset.parmlibANYUPDSEFB80155
CUST.JCLLIBJCL Memberszowe.setup.dataset.jcllibANYUPDSEFB80155
CUST.ZWESAPLCLIST copy utilitieszowe.setup.dataset.authPluginLibANYUPDSEU015N/A