Converts apiml profile information to team config profile objects to be stored in a zowe.config.json file
List of apiml profiles
List of config profile objects
Forms a list of APIML service attributes needed to query APIML for every REST service for every loaded command group. This information can later be used to create every connection profile required for every loaded command group.
The APIML service attributes needed to query APIML.
Calls the services endpoint of the APIML gateway to obtain a list of services that support Single Sign-On. This list is compared against a list of APIML service attributes defined in CLI plug-in configs. When a service's API ID is present in both lists, a profile info object is generated to store CLI profile info for connecting to that service.
Session with APIML connection info
APIML service attributes defined by CLI plug-ins
List of objects containing profile info for APIML services
Generated using TypeDoc
Class to handle listing services on APIML gateway.