  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class to handle creation of zOSMF workflow instance


  • CreateWorkflow



Static createWorkflow

  • createWorkflow(session: AbstractSession, WorkflowName: string, WorkflowDefinitionFile: string, systemName: string, Owner: string, VariableInputFile?: string, Variables?: string, AssignToOwner?: boolean, AccessType?: accessT, DeleteCompletedJobs?: boolean, zOSMFVersion?: string): Promise<ICreatedWorkflow>
  • Create a zOSMF workflow instance


    • session: AbstractSession

      z/OSMF connection info

    • WorkflowName: string

      Name of the workflow that will be created

    • WorkflowDefinitionFile: string

      Full path to USS file or DATASET/MEMBER with xml

    • systemName: string

      System where the workflow will run

    • Owner: string

      User ID of the workflow owner.

    • Optional VariableInputFile: string

      Properties file with pre-specify values for workflow variables

    • Optional Variables: string

      A list of one or more variables for the workflow.

    • Optional AssignToOwner: boolean

      Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner

    • Optional AccessType: accessT

      Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.

    • Optional DeleteCompletedJobs: boolean

      Specifies whether the job is deleted from the JES spool after it completes successfully.

    • Default value zOSMFVersion: string = WorkflowConstants.ZOSMF_VERSION

      Identifies the version of the zOSMF workflow service.

    Returns Promise<ICreatedWorkflow>

Static createWorkflowLocal

  • createWorkflowLocal(session: AbstractSession, WorkflowName: string, WorkflowDefinitionFile: string, systemName: string, Owner: string, VariableInputFile?: string, Variables?: string, AssignToOwner?: boolean, AccessType?: accessT, DeleteCompletedJobs?: boolean, keepFiles?: boolean, customDir?: string, zOSMFVersion?: string): Promise<ICreatedWorkflowLocal>
  • Create a zOSMF workflow instance using local files


    • session: AbstractSession

      z/OSMF connection info

    • WorkflowName: string

      Name of the workflow that will be created

    • WorkflowDefinitionFile: string

      Local workflow definition file

    • systemName: string

      System where the workflow will run

    • Owner: string

      User ID of the workflow owner.

    • Optional VariableInputFile: string

      Local properties file with pre-specify values for workflow variables

    • Optional Variables: string

      A list of one or more variables for the workflow.

    • Optional AssignToOwner: boolean

      Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner

    • Optional AccessType: accessT

      Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.

    • Optional DeleteCompletedJobs: boolean

      Specifies whether the job is deleted from the JES spool after it completes successfully.

    • Optional keepFiles: boolean

      Identifies if the uploaded uss files should be kept.

    • Optional customDir: string

      Path to specific USS directory in which to upload the temp files.

    • Default value zOSMFVersion: string = WorkflowConstants.ZOSMF_VERSION

      Identifies the version of the zOSMF workflow service.

    Returns Promise<ICreatedWorkflowLocal>

Static deleteTempFile

Static getTempFile

  • getTempFile(userId: string, localFile: string, customDir?: string): string
  • Get a full path with file name for a temporary USS file


    • userId: string

      User ID to add to the file name.

    • localFile: string

      Local file name.

    • Optional customDir: string

      Custom directory.

    Returns string

Static parseProperties

  • parseProperties(propertiesText: string): IVariable[]
  • copied from ProvisioningService.ts Parsers text with properties in key1=val1,key2=val2 format and returns IInputProperty[]




    • propertiesText: string

      required runtime property objects passed as a string.

    Returns IVariable[]

    array of properties, @see {IPropertiesInput}

Static uploadTempFile

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