If you specify true for this field, the file will be downloaded in binary mode
The codepage to use for translation from EBCDIC
The extension to use for the files. Defaults to .txt
e.g. .log
JOB ID of the job for which you want to download all output e.g. JOB00001
Name of the job for which you want to download all output e.g. MYJOBNM
If you specify false or do not specify this field, a directory with the jobid of the job as the name will automatically be appended to the outDir. If you specify true, no directory will be appended to your outDir.
The directory to which you would like to download the output Default value: DownloadJobs.DEFAULT_JOBS_OUTPUT_DIR
If you specify true for this field, the file will be downloaded in record mode
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Interface for downloading all spool content with DownloadJobs API