Number of attempts for which will poll before ending. Default: MonitorJobs.DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS.
Specify internal reader file encoding and corresponding http(s) headers will be appended to the request accordingly
Specify internal reader LRECL and corresponding http(s) headers will be appended to the request accordingly
Specify internal reader RECFM and corresponding http(s) headers will be appended to the request accordingly "F" (fixed) or "V" (variable)
JCL to submit, for example: "//IEFBR14 JOB ()\n" + "//RUN EXEC PGM=IEFBR14"
A string for JCL symbolic substitution
Status for which you'd like to be notified of a completed job. Default: MonitorJobs.DEFAULT_STATUS.
Watch delay (polling delay) that the underlying services will use to report whenever a job is complete in milliseconds. Default: MonitorJobs.DEFAULT_WATCHER_DELAY
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Interface for submiting jobs API