HTTP status code.
Step approvers.
Indicates whether the step can be performed automatically.
Workflow definition file that is used to create a new workflow.
Describes the workflow to be called.
Workflow ID of a workflow definition file.
128-bit hash value of a workflow definition file.
Version of a workflow definition file.
Indicates whether step can be performed auto.
Indicates type of skill to execute the step.
Indicates relative dificulty of the step.
Step description.
HTTP status code from the REST API request.
Optional regular expression for program execution failures.
Indicates the hostname or IP address.
HTTP method that is used for issuing the REST API request.
Instructions on what the user must do to perform the step.
Indicates whether the step instructions contain variables.
Indicates whether this step is a conditional step.
Indicates whether this step is a REST API step.
Specifies the maximum record length for a job.
Name of the step.
Indicates whether the step is optional.
Name of the output file that is produced by the step.
Indicates whether the output file name contains variable substitution.
Contains a prefix that identifies a string as a variable.
Port number that is associated with the REST request.
Indicates whether the port number contains variable substitution.
Lists the names of the steps that must be completed before this step.
Name of the logon procedure that is used to log into the TSO/E.
Array of property mapping.
Contains the query parameters.
Indicates whether the query parameters contain variable substitution.
Contains the region size for the TSO/E address space.
Contains the request body.
Indicates whether the request body variable substitution.
Data set name that contains the saved JCL.
Indicates whether the data set name contains variable substitution.
UNIX file name (absolute name) that contains the saved JCL.
Indicates whether the UNIX file name contains variable substitution.
Name that is used for the REST request.
Indicates whether the scheme name contains variable substitution.
Contains the input parameters that can be set by the step owner.
Type of skills that are required to perform the step.
For a parent step, this is a nested array of step-definition objects.
Indicates the type of executable program.
Regular expression that is returned for a successful program execution.
Indicates the template that is used to run a program or batch job.
Indicates whether template contains variable substitution.
contains the maximum amount of time that the program can run.
Step title.
The URI path to use for the REST request.
Indicates whether the URI path contains variable substitution.
An array of variable-reference objects.
The relative difficulty of the step compared to other steps.
Generated using TypeDoc
Interface for z/OSMF API response.