Initialize config files. Defaults to initializing "zowe.config.json" in the current working directory unless otherwise specified.
Use "--user-config" to init "zowe.config.user.json". Use "--global-config" to initialize the configuration files in your home "~/.zowe" directory.
Use "--no-prompt" to skip prompting for values in a CI environment.
zowe config init [options]
| --gc
| --uc
| --ow
- Replace existing config files instead of merging the new changes.
| --fs
| --dr
| --dry
- Display the outcome of the initialization without saving it.
| -e
- Open in editor after initializing the configuration.
| --ed
- Editor that overrides the default editor for this file type. Set the option to the editor's executable file location or the program's name: ie "--editor notepad".
Initialize configuration files in your home "~/.zowe" directory:
zowe config init --global-config
Do a dry run of initializing configuration files in your home "~/.zowe" directory:
zowe config init --global-config --dry-run
Initialize the user config files:
zowe config init --user-config
Initialize the user config files and do not prompt for secure values:
zowe config init --user-config --prompt false
Do a dry run of initializing the user config files and do not prompt for secure values:
zowe config init --user-config --prompt false --dry-run
Overwrite any existing global config files:
zowe config init --global-config --overwrite --for-sure
Overwrite any existing user config files:
zowe config init --user-config --overwrite --for-sure