Validate the syntax of input DDL and optionally verify Db2 object dependencies. Use this command to ensure that the syntax of the input DDL is valid. You can also optionally verify that the objects to be created do not exist on the Db2 subsystem and that the related objects that are required for successful creation of the objects exist on the Db2 subsystem or in the input DDL. You can generate input DDL using the 'zowe dbm generate ddl' command.
For details about command usage for automation, see DBM-Db2 samples at\-db2\-for\-zowe\-cli
zowe dbm-db2 check ddl <local-input-ddl-filename> [options]
Positional Arguments
Required Options
Profile Options
| --dbm-db2-options-p
- The name of a (dbm-db2-options) profile to load for this command execution.
| --dbm-db2-p
- The name of a (dbm-db2) profile to load for this command execution.
| --base-p
- The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
DBM-Db2 Connection Options
Specifies the communication protocol between zowe dbm-db2 client and DBM Data Service.
Allowed values: http, https
| --el
- Specifies a string of one or more entries consisting of a Db2 subsystem ID and a DBM Data Service REST API server host name or TCP/IP address. Use a comma to separate entries. The same Db2 subsystem can be used in multiple DBM Data Service environments. For more information about configuring the DBM Data Service, see the Database Management Solutions for Db2 for z/OS documentation at
| --jc
- Specifies a string array of z/OS JCL JOB statements.
| --wdp
- Specifies the prefix (high-level qualifier) in z/OS work data set names.
| --dwd
- Specifies whether to delete work data sets on a mainframe after the request is fulfilled.
| --oof
- Specifies whether to overwrite output files if they exist.
| -a
- Specifies the primary Db2 authorization ID that is used to establish a connection between Db2 and a process.
| -s
- Specifies the authorization ID that is used in generated SET CURRENT SQLID statements.
| --bp
- The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to prepend the base path to all DBM DS resources when making REST requests. Do not specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Base Connection Options
| -H
- Host name of service on the mainframe.
| -P
- Port number of service on the mainframe.
| -u
- User name to authenticate to service on the mainframe.
| --pass
| --pw
- Password to authenticate to service on the mainframe.
| --ru
| --tt
- The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
| --tv
- The value of the token to pass to the API.
(local file path)
The file path to a certificate file to use for authentication.
Note: The CLI does not support certificate files that require a password. For more information, search Troubleshooting PEM Certificates in Zowe Docs.
(local file path)
- The file path to a certificate key file to use for authentication