Specifies the name of the local input file that contains the mapping mask specifications. Matching is used to pair objects in a DDL file to objects that are defined on a Db2 subsystem. For example, a mask specification can account for different schema naming patterns across environments. Matching determines whether the 'change-set' or 'rule-set' options are applied.
<object-type> <source-name-mask> <target-name-mask>;
STOGROUP <name> <name>
DATABASE <name> <name>
TABLESPACE <database.name> <database.name>
TABLE <schema.name> <schema.name>
INDEX <schema.name> <schema.name>
VIEW <schema.name> <schema.name>
SYNONYM <schema.name> <schema.name>
ALIAS <schema.name> <schema.name>
TRIGGER <schema.name> <schema.name>
SEQUENCE <schema.name> <schema.name>
FUNCTION <schema.name[.version]> <schema.name[.version]>
PROCEDURE <schema.name[.version]> <schema.name[.version]>
- <name> must be between 1 and 128 characters. For DATABASE and TABLESPACE, <name> must be between 1 and 8 characters.
- <schema> must be between 1 and 128 characters.
- <version> must be between 1 and 64 characters.
A mask specification can include the following wildcard characters:
Percent sign (%) indicates that zero or more characters can occupy that position and all remaining positions to the end of the name, or to the next character. The percent sign can be used anywhere in the name. However, the source and target characters must match exactly.
Hyphen or dash (-) indicates that any character can occupy that position, but a character must exist at that position, and the source and target character must match exactly. The hyphen can be repeated in several places in the name.
Asterisk (*) indicates matching values. An asterisk cannot be used with other characters.
Use a semicolon to separate mask specifications. Multiple mask specifications for the same object type are supported.
The following example demonstrates different ways of matching the table MYNAME.MYTABLE to the table YOURNAME.YOURTABLE:
For a list of mask specifications, see the RC/Migrator documentation at https://techdocs.broadcom.com/db2rcmig
- If --match-set and --match-set-file are both specified, specifications in match-set-file take precedence.
- The matchSetValues options-profile option has the same behavior as the match-set-file command option.