zowe › endevor › execute › package
The execute package command executes a Package that have a status of Approved or Execfailed.
zowe endevor execute package [package] [options]
Positional Arguments
(string)- Name of the Endevor package.
(string)- Specify the beginning of time frame within which the package can be executed. Use yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm or see ISO 8601 standard for syntax.
(string)- Specify the end of time frame within which the package can be executed. Use yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm or see ISO 8601 standard for syntax.
Specify the status of the packages. Valid values are [APPROVED, EXECFAILED] for execute action, and additional values [INEDIT, INAPPROVAL, INEXECUTION, EXECUTED, COMMITTED, DENIED] for list action, additional value [ALLSTATE] for delete action.
It is possible to specify multiple status separated by "," during list and delete package.Allowed values: ALLSTATE, INEDIT, INAPPROVAL, APPROVED, INEXECUTION, EXECUTED, COMMITTED, DENIED, EXECFAILED
endevor-location definition options
The maximum value of the return code of a successful action. When the return code is greater than the maxrc value, the command fails
Default value: 8
(string)- Specifies Endevor Web Services dataSource name.
asynchronous task options
(boolean)- Submit this command as an asynchronous Endevor Web Services task
endevor session definition options
(string)- Specifies the base host name.
(string)- Specifies the port number.
Specifies the protocol used for connecting to Endevor Rest API
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
(string)- Specifies the user name.
(string)- Specifies the user's password.
(boolean)- Specify this option to have the server certificate verified against the list of supplied CAs
(string)- Specifies the base path used for connecting to Endevor Rest API
output customization options
(boolean)- Suppress all [INFO]/[WARN] messages from terminal output.
(string)- File name for saving reports from Endevor SCM locally.
(string)- Directory for saving reports from Endevor SCM locally, if --report-file wasn't specified. Defaults to current directory.
(boolean)- Write the endevor reports to a file. By default, when return code is 0, no report will be written, unless this option is specified. When return code is bigger than 0, reports will be written to a file, unless this option is specifed to be false
Profile Options
(string)- The name of a (endevor) profile to load for this command execution.
(string)- The name of a (endevor-location) profile to load for this command execution.
(string)- The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
(string)- The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
(string)- The value of the token to pass to the API.
(local file path)-
The file path to a certificate file to use for authentication.
Note: The CLI does not support certificate files that require a password. For more information, search Troubleshooting PEM Certificates in Zowe Docs.
(local file path)- The file path to a certificate key file to use for authentication
Execute package with endevor profile set up, specifying the time frame within which to execute the Package:
zowe endevor execute package packageName --fdt 2018-01-01T00:00 --tdt 2018-12-31T12:00 -i ENDEVOR