Interact with SA Operations REST API of IBM Z System Automation.
You need to configure and start the "SA Operations REST Server".
First steps:
- Create a Zowe Profile with connection information to your Z SA Operations REST Server.
Use the command "zowe profiles create sa" and specify the required options.
- For more help of creating a profile issue "zowe profiles create sa --help".
- Make sure one sa profile is set as default profile.
Use command "zowe profiles set-default sa --help" for more information.
- For a list of possible command issue: "zowe sa --help"
zowe system-automation <group>
Where <group> is one of the following:
- activate | act - Activate a setting or configuration
- create - Create an object
- delete | del - Delete objects managed by System Automation.
- disable - Disable recording or takeoverfile processing
- enable - Enable recording or takeoverfile processing
- list | ls - Query objects from System Automation.
- resume - Resume a resource controlled by System Automation.
- set - Set an option
- start - Start an objext controlled by System Automation
- stop - Stop an object controlled by System Automation
- suspend - Suspend an object controlled by System Automation.
- view | v - View detailed information