List information on the percentage of connections distributed to a specific IP address and port in comparison to the Workload Manager (WLM) recommended distribution percentage. The Workload Manager related information is also displayed. Several parameters are provided for filtering the data.
zowe znetview-network list ddvipa-stats [options]
| --beg
- The range of sampling interval start times in “mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss” format. An STCK value can also be specified.
| -D
| --dv
- The IP address for the requested DVIPA.
| --dp
- The port number for the DVIPA.
- The range of sampling interval end times in “mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss” format. An STCK value can also be specified.
| --in
- The number of sampling intervals for which to return data, beginning with the most recent data available.
| --rn
- The number of records to display.
| -s
- The z/OS system name. The wildcard character (*) is supported at the end of the string.
| --tcp
- The TCP/IP stack name. The wildcard character (*) is supported at the end of the string.
NetView Connection Options
| -H
- The host name of your NetView REST Server.
| -P
| -u
- The user name to authenticate to your NetView REST Server.
| --pw
- The password to authenticate to your NetView REST Server.
| --tt
- The type of the token to authenticate to your NetView REST Server.
| --tv
- The value of the token to authenticate to your NetView REST Server.
| --bp
The base path for your Zowe API Mediation Layer instance. Specify this option to prepend the base path to NetView REST service when making REST requests to the Zowe API Mediation Layer.
Note: Do not specify this option if you are not using the Zowe API Mediation Layer.
Profile Options
Base Connection Options
| --ru
(local file path)
- The file path to a certificate file to use for authentication
(local file path)
- The file path to a certificate key file to use for authentication