
Issue a z/OS console command and print command responses (known as "solicited command responses").

In general, when issuing a z/OS console command, z/OS applications route responses to the originating console. The command response messages are referred to as "solicited command responses" (i.e. direct responses to the command issued). When issuing a z/OS console command using Zowe CLI, collection of all solicited command responses is attempted by default. However, there is no z/OS mechanism that indicates the total number of response messages that may be produced from a given command. Therefore, the Zowe CLI console APIs return a "solicited response key" that can be used to "follow-up" and collect any additional solicited command responses.

Zowe CLI will issue "follow-up" API requests by default to collect any additional outstanding solicited command responses until a request returns no additional responses. At that time, Zowe CLI will attempt a final collection attempt. If no messages are present, the command is complete. If additional messages are present, the process is repeated. However, this does not guarantee that all messages produced in direct response (i.e. solicited) have been collected. The z/OS application may produce additional messages in direct response to your command at some point in the future. You can manually collect additional responses using the "command response key" OR specify additional processing options to, for example, delay collection attempts by a specified interval.


zowe zos-console issue command <commandtext> [options]

Positional Arguments


Zosmf Connection Options

Profile Options

Base Connection Options
